7671 Aylesbury
Statistics for postcode 7671 in Aylesbury
- Geographical Coordinates: Latitude -43.5333, Longitude 172.267
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Postcodes within 10 km:
Postcodes within 15 km:
Postcodes within 25 km:
7676 Templeton
8445 Templeton
7657 Dunsandel
7682 Dunsandel
7616 Springston
7571 Hawkins
8042 Hei Hei
7604 Prebbleton
7674 Springston South
8441 Hornby
7608 Lincoln
7640 Lincoln
7647 Lincoln
7471 West Eyreton
8443 Wigram
8053 Burnside
8545 Burnside
7548 Doyleston
8442 Upper Riccarton
8444 Ilam
8025 Halswell
8245 Halswell
7646 Coalgate