6144 Kaiwharawhara
Statistics for postcode 6144 in Kaiwharawhara
- Geographical Coordinates: Latitude -41.2667, Longitude 174.783
Enter the postcode or city name to display information:
Postcodes within 5 km:
6441 Ngaio
6443 Ngaio
6143 Kelburn
6145 Kelburn
6150 Kelburn
6160 Kelburn
6021 Wellington
6149 Wellington
6035 Khandallah
6011 Mount Victoria
6140 Mount Victoria
6141 Mount Victoria
6142 Mount Victoria
6146 Mount Victoria
6148 Mount Victoria
6012 Karori
6147 Karori
Postcodes within 10 km:
6440 Newlands
6442 Newlands
6022 Miramar
6243 Miramar
6242 Berhampore
6241 Rongotai
6972 Karori West
6037 Ohariu
6244 Strathmore Park
6023 Owhiro Bay
5012 Petone
5045 Petone
5046 Petone
5016 Korokoro
5050 Maungaraki
5028 Grenada North
5013 Muritai
Postcodes within 15 km:
5047 Eastbourne
5040 Alicetown
5043 Gracefield
5042 Lower Hutt
5249 Linden
5010 Avalon
5049 Homedale
5373 Homedale
5014 Wainuiomata
5048 Wainuiomata