8971 Allandale
Statistics for postcode 8971 in Allandale
- Geographical Coordinates: Latitude -43.65, Longitude 172.65
Enter the postcode or city name to display information:
Postcodes within 10 km:
8941 Diamond Harbour
8942 Diamond Harbour
8022 Cashmere Hills
8082 Lyttelton
8841 Lyttelton
7645 Tai Tapu
8242 Beckenham
8023 Hillsborough
8246 Hillsborough
8025 Halswell
8245 Halswell
Postcodes within 15 km:
8244 Somerfield
8145 Opawa
8024 Spreydon
8149 Spreydon
8243 Spreydon
7672 Motukarara
8247 Mount Pleasant
8240 Sydenham
8241 Woolston
8081 Sumner
8840 Sumner
8147 Linwood
7604 Prebbleton
8011 Christchurch
8013 Christchurch
8140 Christchurch
8141 Christchurch
8142 Christchurch
8144 Christchurch
7608 Lincoln
7640 Lincoln
7647 Lincoln
8443 Wigram
8062 Bromley
8642 Bromley
8440 Riccarton
8441 Hornby
8148 Avonside
7591 Ataahua
8442 Upper Riccarton
Postcodes within 25 km:
8014 Saint Albans
8143 Saint Albans
8146 Saint Albans
8041 Fendalton
8540 Fendalton
8061 Aranui
8643 Aranui
8640 Dallington
8444 Ilam
8641 New Brighton
7546 Little River
8052 Papanui
8542 Papanui
8042 Hei Hei
7674 Springston South
8053 Burnside
8545 Burnside
7676 Templeton
8445 Templeton
8842 North New Brighton
7616 Springston
8051 Harewood
8543 Harewood
8544 Harewood
8972 Pigeon Bay
8083 Ouruhia
8546 Belfast
7614 Rolleston
7643 Rolleston
7675 Rolleston
7670 Coutts Island